A Cool Day at HAVE: My Experience as an HVAC Technician

Morning: Gearing Up for the Day

As I arrive at the Have, Inc. headquarters at 7 AM, I’m greeted by the familiar hum of our office air conditioning. It’s ironic how we rely on the very systems we install and repair to keep us comfortable while we work. After a quick team meeting to discuss the day’s assignments, I load up my service van with the necessary tools and parts.

Mid-Morning: First Call of the Day

My first appointment is a routine maintenance check for a long-time customer. As I inspect their AC unit, I’m reminded of the importance of regular upkeep. A well-maintained system not only runs more efficiently but also lasts longer. I take pride in explaining this to the homeowner, who seems genuinely interested in learning more about their cooling system.

Afternoon: Tackling an Emergency Repair

Just as I’m finishing lunch, I receive an urgent call about a malfunctioning air conditioner at a local business. Summer in our area can be brutal, so I understand the urgency. Upon arrival, I quickly diagnose the issue: a faulty compressor. It’s a challenging repair, but nothing I haven’t handled before. As I work, I explain the process to the business owner, who appreciates the transparency.

Late Afternoon: New Installation Consultation

My final task of the day is a consultation for a new AC installation. I meet with a young couple who just bought their first home. They’re excited but overwhelmed by the options. I take the time to walk them through different models, explaining the pros and cons of each. It’s rewarding to help them make an informed decision that will keep them comfortable for years to come.

Evening: Wrapping Up

As I return to the office to complete my paperwork, I reflect on the day. Working at Have, Inc. is more than just fixing air conditioners; it’s about:

  • Helping people stay comfortable in their homes and businesses
  • Educating customers about energy efficiency
  • Problem-solving and applying technical skills
  • Building relationships within our community

It’s a challenging job, but knowing that I’ve made a difference in people’s daily lives makes it all worthwhile. As I head home, I’m already looking forward to what tomorrow will bring in the world of HVAC.